On September 21, 2021, the 18th LegalTech Poland Meetup was held – the fifth in the online version and the first conducted entirely in English.
The meeting had 82 registrations and about 50 participants.
We discussed experiences in implementing legaltech solutions in different countries.
A few conclusions:
- The lawyers’ problems related to the choice of solutions, their implementation and use are quite similar, regardless of the country in which they practice. They mainly include: lack of knowledge about solutions, psychological barriers, doubts about compliance with ethical regulations.
- Lawyers have difficulty in assessing the value of a solution (ROI – return of investment) and are often overly focused on price.
- Local differences in the availability of solutions and their popularity result mainly from the specifics of the legal profession in a given country, e.g. the number of lawyers and competition on the market, as well as ethical regulations.
- Institutional and governmental support (e.g. bar associations) may also influence the development of the legaltech market.
- On the French and Spanish market very few women are involved in the development of legaltech solutions (in France only 5% of founders seeking funding are women).
- The legaltech market is growing quite slowly and more and more similar products are appearing, which in perspective will lead to acquisitions and market consolidation.
- The market standard for law firms is becoming Office 365, which includes a number of tools enabling data exchange both within the firm and with clients.
- The basic needs of legal departments are related to automation of contract preparation and document workflow.
- Lawyers are most willing to invest in solutions that are simple in both operation and implementation and that provide quick results.
Video recording of the meeting (2 hours 3 minutes):
The presentations:
1) LegalTech in Belarus – Natallia Seniuta – REVERA Law Firm
Natallia-Seniuta-REVERA-Implementation-of-Legaltech-in-Belarus2) LegalTech in Czechia: Pavel Krkoska – SingleCase
Pavel-Krkoska-SingleCase-effectivness-and-profitability-in-Legaltech3) Legaltech in Lithuenia and 30+ other countries: Aidas Kavaliauskas – Amberlo
Aidas-Kavaliauskas-AMBERLO-legaltech-implementations-practical-conclusions4) LegalTech in Poland: Sebastian Grzywacz i Beata Brynczak – www.legaldpt.com
S.-Grzywacz-B.-Brynczak-LegalDTP-document-workflow-in-legal-department5) LegalTech in France and Spain: Iga Kurowska – Aktion Legal (Iga is the author od ‘Legaltech Buyer’s Handbook‘, the free e-book that you can download)
Iga-Kurowska-LegalTech-Academy-Legaltech-in-France-and-Spain6) LegalTech in Poland: Zbyszek Konieczny – Konieczny Consulting